

Morning Sermon

Evening Sermon

October 18th, 2020

Human Authority, People, and Rejoicing

Rev. Henry Bartsch

Ecclesiastes 8:2-9

Doubt, Criticism, and Apathy toward the Kingdom

Rev. Jonathan Cowan

Matthew 11:1-24

October 11th, 2020

Don't Borrow Worry

Rev. Henry Bartsch

Matthew 6:25-34

The Trials and Blessing of Discipleship

Rev. Jonathan Cowan

Micah 7:5-8, Matthew 10:16-42

September 27th, 2020

the Prayers of the Saints

Rev. Jerry Hamstra

Revelation 8

Seek the Tings That Are Above

Rev. Jerry Hamstra

Colossians 3:1-17

September 20th, 2020

Courage to Pray like That?

Rev. Henry Bartsch

Nehemiah 5:14-19

The Mission of the Kingdom

Rev. Jonathan Cowan

Matthew 9:35-10:4

September 13th, 2020

Trials from Within, Grace from God

Rev. Henry Bartsch

Nehemiah 5:1-19

Gospel in the Wilderness

Tim Collins

John 3:1-18, Numbers 21:1-9

September 6th, 2020

A Prophesy of Good News

John Nymann

Nahum 1

Soldiers of God Respond to the Enemies of God

Rev. Henry Bartsch

Nehemiah 4, Ephesians 6:10-20

August 30th, 2020

The Compassionate Power of the New

Rev. Jonathan Cowan

Matthew 9:18-34

God Works, We Work- Divine Concurrence

Rev. Henry Bartsch

Nehemiah 3:1-5, 11-12

August 23rd, 2020

God on the Move

Rev. Henry Bartsch

Nehemiah 2

The New Has Come

Rev. Jonathan Cowan

Matthew 9:14-17

August 16th, 2020

The Christian's Tenacious Hope

Rev. Henry Bartsch

Nehemiah 1:4-2:8

Our continuing study of the book of Nehemiah.

The Pursuer of Sinners

Rev. Jonathan Cowan

Matthew 9:9-13

August 9th, 2020

The Church Is Weak, but God Is Faithful

Rev. Henry Bartsch

Nehemiah 1

Authority over All

Rev. Jonathan Cowan

Matthew 8:23-9:13

Doubt, Criticism, and Apathy toward the Kingdom

October 18th, 2020 (Sunday Evening Sermon) - Rev. Jonathan Cowan

Matthew 11:1-24

Human Authority, People, and Rejoicing

October 18th, 2020 (Sunday Morning Sermon) - Rev. Henry Bartsch

Ecclesiastes 8:2-9

The Trials and Blessing of Discipleship

October 11th, 2020 (Sunday Evening Sermon) - Rev. Jonathan Cowan

Micah 7:5-8, Matthew 10:16-42

Don't Borrow Worry

October 11th, 2020 (Sunday Morning Sermon) - Rev. Henry Bartsch

Matthew 6:25-34

Seek the Tings That Are Above

September 27th, 2020 (Sunday Evening Sermon) - Rev. Jerry Hamstra

Colossians 3:1-17

the Prayers of the Saints

September 27th, 2020 (Sunday Morning Sermon) - Rev. Jerry Hamstra

Revelation 8

The Mission of the Kingdom

September 20th, 2020 (Sunday Evening Sermon) - Rev. Jonathan Cowan

Matthew 9:35-10:4

Courage to Pray like That?

September 20th, 2020 (Sunday Morning Sermon) - Rev. Henry Bartsch

Nehemiah 5:14-19

Gospel in the Wilderness

September 13th, 2020 (Sunday Evening Sermon) - Tim Collins

John 3:1-18, Numbers 21:1-9

Trials from Within, Grace from God

September 13th, 2020 (Sunday Morning Sermon) - Rev. Henry Bartsch

Nehemiah 5:1-19

Soldiers of God Respond to the Enemies of God

September 6th, 2020 (Sunday Evening Sermon) - Rev. Henry Bartsch

Nehemiah 4, Ephesians 6:10-20

A Prophesy of Good News

September 6th, 2020 (Sunday Morning Sermon) - John Nymann

Nahum 1

God Works, We Work- Divine Concurrence

August 30th, 2020 (Sunday Evening Sermon) - Rev. Henry Bartsch

Nehemiah 3:1-5, 11-12

The Compassionate Power of the New

August 30th, 2020 (Sunday Morning Sermon) - Rev. Jonathan Cowan

Matthew 9:18-34

The New Has Come

August 23rd, 2020 (Sunday Evening Sermon) - Rev. Jonathan Cowan

Matthew 9:14-17

God on the Move

August 23rd, 2020 (Sunday Morning Sermon) - Rev. Henry Bartsch

Nehemiah 2

The Pursuer of Sinners

August 16th, 2020 (Sunday Evening Sermon) - Rev. Jonathan Cowan

Matthew 9:9-13

The Christian's Tenacious Hope

August 16th, 2020 (Sunday Morning Sermon) - Rev. Henry Bartsch

Nehemiah 1:4-2:8

Our continuing study of the book of Nehemiah.

Authority over All

August 9th, 2020 (Sunday Evening Sermon) - Rev. Jonathan Cowan

Matthew 8:23-9:13

The Church Is Weak, but God Is Faithful

August 9th, 2020 (Sunday Morning Sermon) - Rev. Henry Bartsch

Nehemiah 1