Community Events Board
It’s TIME TO SING beautiful and timeless Christmas carols and songs with the Jubilee Chorus!
Consider joining us in celebrating our Lord through fabulous Canadian choral music by composers like Mark Sirett, Jeff Smallman, Winnagene Hatch, Eleanor Daley and more! This fall, our Festival of Lessons and Carols will be presented Sunday, December 15 at 7:00 pm. Only 14 rehearsals - a short commitment - so come, sing new and favourite carols with us. We are looking for new, eager singers in all parts ages 14 and up, no audition necessary! Come find community and experience all the benefits of joy-filled singing! Rehearsals are on Tuesday nights starting September 3 at Chatham Christian School from 6:52-9:00 pm. Call Cynthia at 226-229-1533 for more information and to register.
Eben-Ezer Christian School Golf Tournament
September 28,2024
Willow Ridge Golf Course, Blenheim
Shotgun Start 9am
$125/player includes 18 holes, cart, late lunch and door prizes.EARLY BIRD PRIZE DRAW FOR GOLFERS REGISTERED AND PAID FOR BEFORE AUGUST 31ST
Sponsorship opportunities for businesses and individuals are also available.
Contact or Jess Tamminga at 519-359-2150Maple City is hosting the "Stand" Conference September 27-28 at Kenesserie Camp. We hope to bring teenagers from all over Chatham-Kent together to participate in a two-day event filled with preaching from the Word, fellowship, and lots of fun. We would love to have a group of teens and, if possible, some adult leaders from your church to help. Here are some of the details you will want to know:
Location: Kenesserie Campground - 18669 Kenesserie Rd, Ridgetown, ON
Check-in: Friday, Sept 27, from 4-5pm
Conference Ends: Saturday, Sept 28 at 8:30pm
Cost: $60/teen. Includes meals, lodging, a conference shirt, a notebook, and more.
Grades 7-12+
Click HERE to Register
NeighbourLink is a local Christian ministry that helps the needy across Chatham-Kent. One of the biggest needs we have is for volunteer drivers who will take people to medical appointments or other necessary places. We are also in great need of volunteers interested in life coaching through our WrapAround program. And we could really use some people who would like to visit and befriend lonely people. The need is great but the workers are few. If one of these opportunities suits your personal gifting, please consider investing in this ministry by filling out a volunteer application form at or just contact the NeighbourLink office at 519-352-5647. Thanks and God bless.
For any announcements you would like to add to the website, please email them to