Upcoming Events

  1. Date Change: Session has decided to postpone the scheduled community BBQ until the spring of 2025 - sometime after the spring Presbytery meetings which we are hosting and the end of the school term. (May/June) Session felt that we needed more time to properly prepare the recent addition of the basement as well as prepare appropriate literature and welcome material for any neighbourhood guests. Much has happened in the last two months, and more needs to be done. We hope and trust that the congregation is understanding and will fully support the spring time endeavour.

    1. In lieu of the BBQ in Chatham then, John and Eileen Moerman have offered to host the church family and friends to a church picnic at their farm on Saturday, August 24. More details soon to follow, but please save the date.

  2. Annapolis Valley (NS) Young Adults Retreat: Thursday, August 1st to Monday, August 5th

  3. Maple City is hosting the "Stand" Conference  September 27-28 at Kenesserie Camp.  We hope to bring teenagers from all over Chatham-Kent together to participate in a two-day event filled with preaching from the Word, fellowship, and lots of fun. We would love to have a group of teens and, if possible, some adult leaders from your church to help.  Here are some of the details you will want to know:

    1. Location: Kenesserie Campground - 18669 Kenesserie Rd, Ridgetown, ON

    2. Check-in: Friday, Sept 27, from 4-5pm 

    3. Conference Ends: Saturday, Sept 28 at 8:30pm

    4. Cost: $60/teen.  Includes meals, lodging, a conference shirt, a notebook, and more.

    5. Grades 7-12+ 

    Click HERE to Register

  4. Eben Ezer VBS. For any interested in helping or sending their children to VBS the google docs has more information.

    Volunteer options: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YE9n8A4N41khg-Doa1D-0KVm99pdGkvAGqLQG6CtC0k/edit?usp=sharing

  5. NeighbourLink is a local Christian ministry that helps the needy across Chatham-Kent. One of the biggest needs we have is for volunteer drivers who will take people to medical appointments or other necessary places. We are also in great need of volunteers interested in life coaching through our WrapAround program. And we could really use some people who would like to visit and befriend lonely people. The need is great but the workers are few. If one of these opportunities suits your personal gifting, please consider investing in this ministry by filling out a volunteer application form at https://www.neighbourlinkck.com/get-involved or just  contact the NeighbourLink office at 519-352-5647. Thanks and God bless.

For any announcements you would like to add to the website, please email them to rythomasdrouillard@gmail.com.