Session Report

Session Report July 24, 2024

  • Victor Cowan appeared before Session to make profession of his faith and to seek to become a communicant member. Session heard his profession and was pleased to welcome him as a communicant member and to the Lord's Table.

  • Door hanger distribution on September 7th. Volunteers are requested to help in this effort of community awareness.

  • There will be a joint meeting of deacons and session in August with a primary agenda item of clarifying what will be necessary to have as committees and their responsibilities. A letter with more details will be sent out to communicant members.

  • The scheduled fellowship meal for August 4th is cancelled on account of a basement in construction progress and the under supplied kitchen (as yet). We can look forward to our picnic at the Moerman farm August 24 instead.

  • Bible Classes will resume September 8th. The adult class will resume the study in the Westminster Confession. The Junior classes will pick up where left off last spring.

  • Fall dates for the prayer meetings and the youth book studies are: September 12, 26; Oct 10, 24; Nov. 7, 21; Dec. 5, 19.

  • Pianos have arrived for the sanctuary, as well as the basement. (Or, Church Hall, or Trinity Hall, Classroom Zone —- we need a better name than 'basement'. Ideas?) The piano committee may still be on the look out for an affordable baby grand - depending on budget restrictions for next year.

    Sing to the Lord a new song, His praise in the assembly of the godly. Ps 149:1