Session Report

Session Report September 25, 2024

  • The committee and volunteer signup sheets were reviewed and accepted. These will be available for sign up at our fellowship meal in October. Please give prayer and thought as to where you might serve the Lord in His. It is a privilege to be in His service!

  • Livestream options:

    • Session has opted to move to YouTube for its livestream platform. There are pros and cons with every option, but Session leans to this option for its public accessibility and for its stable connection.

    • If there is a volunteer willing to edit the livestream, we can post the sermons on our YouTube channel. This is done to not infringe on copyright rules regarding the hymns sung.

    • We will move our audio to Spotify soon and provide a link on the church website.

    • Guiding principle for our use of livestream technology are:

      • We encourage those travelling to visit a Bible believing and preferably Reformed church. In person if possible, is better than virtual.

      • We do not want to encourage 'stay at home' worship via livestream. In fact we strongly discourage it.

      • Copyright regulations need to be adhered to. For the entire livestream to be recorded and stored we would need to purchase a CCLI livestream license.

      • Delicate issues such as foreign missions or church discipline will need to be addressed during announcement period and not part of livestream or recording.

  • Budgeting considerations were discussed for the committees the session will be overseeing. These will be passed on to the deacons.

  • Associate Minister: Session was made aware of Micah Bartsch's desire to function as such (somewhere) upon passage of his licentiate and ordination exams next year. This stimulated discussion and prayer over the past two meetings about areas of ministry and growth that we can explore at certain levels. Such as: church planting; Christian education; congregational care etc. Financially supporting such an endeavour is seen as currently prohibitive. Session however, sees the benefit and desires to move towards an associate position in the next few years, Lord willing.

  • Pastor Cowan Vacation: Pulpit Supply —

    • Nov 3 — Students: Micah Bartsch AM; Zach Murray PM

    • December 29 and January 5 — Rev Brian Murray

    • Study leave — Oct 15 - 19. Pulpit supply for Oct 20 not secured as yet.

    • Pastor Cowan plans to attend the Canadian Church History course offered by Gillespie Divinity School and taught by Dr. Jack Whytock.

"He established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers to teach to their children, that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments;"

Psalm 78:5-7