The Runnings of Trinity:
How things get done within a church can be at times confusing and mysterious. My hope here is to briefly shed some light on it.
Presbyterian churches have three courts. The largest is the synod, the next is the presbytery, and the lowest and smallest court is the session. All three courts are to promote and aid the spread of the gospel through the ordinary means of grace (Word, prayer, and sacraments).
The session is made up of the elders and minister(s), with the minister being the moderator of session. Session governs the local church. It sets the vision, guards the flock, and promotes the gospel through word and deed.
This task is huge, so session has a board to assist them - the diaconate. The Diaconate is made up of deacons. The diaconate reports to session. Session has the diaconate oversee mercy ministries, stewardship, and care and maintenance of church property.
Session and the Diaconate use committees to assist them in their tasks.
Starting in January 2025 our diaconate and session are each overseeing 4 committees. These committees will in turn oversee all volunteer opportunities in our church.
The Diaconate will oversee:
Janitorial Committee
The committee will oversee the care and maintenance of our rental building.
John Timmermans is the deacon overseeing this committee.
Kitchen Committee
This committee oversees all things pertaining to the use of our kitchen and related church meals and refreshment times.
Jonathan Nauta is the deacon overseeing this committee.
Hospitality Committee
This committee oversees certain aspects of care and support for members and visitors, such as respite meals, greeters, hosting visiting ministers, etc.
Ken Drouillard is the deacon overseeing this committee.
Acquisitions Committee
This committee oversees any future purchases of church property.
The diaconate oversees this committee.
The Session will oversee:
Worship Committee
This committee assists the minister in certain particulars of corporate worship such as accompanists, sound, media, bulletin, and communion supplies.
Pastor Cowan oversees this committee.
Education Committee
This committee oversees all the educational ministries of our church such as Bible classes, nursery, Trinity Cottage School, youth book studies, and prayer meetings.
Henry VanTil is the elder overseeing this committee.
Discipleship Committee
This committee oversees all the discipleship ministries of our church such as youth group, young adults, small groups, youth retreat, men and women’s gatherings.
John Moerman is the elder overseeing this committee.
Outreach Committee
This committee oversees all the outreach ministries of our church such as evangelistic gatherings, outreach meals, evangelistic training.
Matthew Bartsch is the elder overseeing this committee.
How can you serve?
If you are a communicant member who desires to help in planning events and/or ministries, then serving on a committee is the place for you. Talk to the deacons or elder overseeing the committee you would like to serve on.
If you desire to serve at events, teach a class, play the piano, help in the kitchen, clean the sanctuary, etc. then let the specific committee or elder or deacon know of your willingness to serve. Through out the year there will be opportunities to serve our congregation. Our hope in structuring our church in this way everyone gets the opportunity to serve our church, and no ministry gets overlooked.
If you have an idea for a ministry or service opportunity, please let the appropriate elder or deacon know.
In Christ,
Jonathan Cowan